Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Those Who Smoke Cigarettes the Most are Often Mentally Ill-Summarize and Cooment

This article from the natural news website written on Thursday, June 05, 2008 by: David Gutierrez, staff writerKey concepts: Cigarettes, Smoking and United States ia basically talking about how the oercentage of people who smoke are mental ill. They say that 80% percent of the smokers are the mental ill. They also state that it might be because of their dieases.
I feel that as i read this article that many things they said about smoking and people with mental illness smoking is wrong. This article says that 80% of the people who smoke are mentally ill i feel that if they are mentally ill they wouldn't know what cigarettes really are so why do like 80% percent of them are the smokers. I also feel that they shouldn't sell ciggs to the mentally ill because like i said before they don't really know the good from the bad.
I also not only blame the government but I also blame the parents or the person in charge of them. They should know that ciggs ain't helping them or that ciggs is doing big harm to them. The mental ill usually don't have a good state of mind to know that, that's why the guardian should lead them and tell them. My last concern is who sells these ciggs to the mental ill who in the right state of mind would actually sell it to them knowing that they are not correct in their mind. If you have a heart and have a good soul you should definitely know that is not good.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Supreme Court lets smokers sue over 'light' cigarettes-Link And Comment


I feel that is a good thing that the supreme court is letting people sue the ciggs company for not informing them about some of the chemicals that it contains, but I also feel like some of those people don't deserve to sue because their are many different places that you can find out some of the chemicals added in it.

Opinion On the Smoking habbit- My Opinion

As i said before women who are pregnant should never ever smoke. Some of the things i read and found out in many different articles prove that ciggs is a harming toxic. it had chemical that cause disorders and bad effects to the unborn baby. not only to the baby but also to the mother. Smoking had many different toxic that cause harm to the air and to the world. People say lets help the world lets stop global warming but they don't stop to realize that the ciggs are helping global warming. It pollutes the air in many different ways. people need to have the courage to stand up and stop this very rich but also very harmful company.
I personally don't know why would the government legalize such a lethal thing, They say they don't want to legalize drugs like marijuana, cocaine and heroin when ciggs are as harmful as those drugs. I think the government and country is scared to shut down the ciggs company because they fear that the economy will go down since the cigg company is such a rich company, it is know to be a multi million empire that helps our economy. It is very dumb that they fear that because if we got out of many recessions through out history we can definitely prevail if we shut this company down.

Ingridients of a killer-Summarize and comment


As You read this article named Lowell Kleinman, M.D., and Deborah Messina-Kleinman, M.P.H. by drkoop.com Health Columnists is talking about some of the ingridients that tabbaco or ciggertes have. This article basically lists the ingredients and things that they can cause to the body or to the human. This article is basically to show people some of those very harmful things that the ciggs have and do to the human body."Toilet Bowl Cleaner?Most people prefer to use ammonia for things such as cleaning windows and toilet bowls", as it is said in the article why would u want to add things that you may use to clean your home doesn't it scare you. Doesn't it make you think these cancer sticks might really harm every part of my body. that is just one of the many toxic chemicals added to the cigarettes. These are some of the other chemicals added to the cancer stick.

Fungicides and pesticides -- Cause many types of cancers and birth defects.
Cadmium -- Linked to lung and prostate cancer.
Benzene -- Linked to leukemia.
Formaldehyde -- Linked to lung cancer.
Nickel -- Causes increased susceptibility to lung infections.

I agrees with this article and feel that they are doing somewhat of a good job showing people that ciggs is just a horrible horrible thing for you. I also disagree because in the article it says that ciggs are just helping the human body to adopt to different types of chemicals. I feel that ciggs aren't helping us to adopt to anything it is helping die faster.

"Chemicals In Ciggs"-My opinion


As I read this article I wondered about all these crazy things that ciggs contain all these things that if people really looked into it they would actually say let me consider stop smoking. Some people know that most of the chemicals and things added in the ciigs can cause many harms and things to your body. Ciggs contain over 4000 chemical in it Wow yes i know thas what I said. Out of those for 4000 chemicals 43 of them are known to give people cancer. And it includes 400 other toxins These include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT. i was so schocked on some of the things and just some of the things that the cigarettes contain.
Nicotine being one of the ones that struck me the most. Nicotine struck me because as i read i saw that nicotine is one of the things that causes big big addictions and leads to people to keep on smoking, I was shocked on what i had read because it says that nicotine may cause depression, effects on the heart and blood vessels. It causes things to not only those but to many more. People People wake up once again end a stop to this lethal poison is not that hard it really is not that difficult is all about your mental strenght.